The $1:
Some people think the $1 is bad luck, some just think its simply money, on the dollar bill there's a bunch of things that represents the dollar but counts to the number 13.
As you can see they're pointed out to show you, and there is some other messages pointed out as well.
Now another message on the dollar bill, lets see if you can point it out first...its on the right hand corner, there are two different messages..
you see it yet? if not keep looking....give up? okay ill show you the close up picture.
you see it now? there is an owl on the top right corner of the one dollar bill, also notice when you looked at the one dollar bill, you see the ones in the corners right? see how theyre in a circle, on the top right hand corner there is a sheild (: wooow right? haha
The $5:
Now you wanna see something cool? If you have a five dollar bill, I'd suggest you take out one and follow along, it might be easier that way and so that you can see for yourself (:
I will show you a picture of the back of a five dollar bill, you might not notice it at first, but ill give you a hint. Look right in between the circle stones on the lincoln memorial, and look closely, like very closely...
Can you see it? No? Here's a close up peice of the five dollar bill...
Yes, it does indeed say Florida and Texas, now look at your five dollar bill, it lists all 50 states, cool huh?
Now this is when the freaky part comes in...its like really freaky, i showed it to my mom when i saw it and she in fact was freaked out by it too as well, yes its real, in fact if i have to bring in the bill and show you myself i it comes..
The $20:
Now the $20 was invented like a long time ago right? Look it up to make sure im being legit.
Okay, so in this picture that i am about to show you is a dollar bill made in 1928, one of the "Jackson Bill", when you fold up a twenty in airplane form, as it shows in the picture..look carefully to what it shows...its freaky
Like seriously creepy...
U sure you wanna see this??
You're probably thinking right now just show me already!
Okay, here it is....
Either you're freaking out right now, or you're thinking huh? Can you see the picture it shows? Let me show you the bill and the picture together side by side, and maybe it will clear things up..
Isn't that weird?!? Now thats not the only freaky thing about this bill. theres one more
This is what it looks like when you flip it on the other side...can you see the picture?
Now thats just crazy! What are the chances of that?! Of the pentagon and the twin towers on the same bill? Especially a bill made in the 1920's?
Make's you wonder doesn't it?
If you wanna see for yourself here's the website that shows you how to fold the $20. and a breif description of the bill itself
try it, you won't believe it...
like i said if i must show you in person I will do so..
Ashley, once again I was totally drawn in by the content of your blog. I love it. Great work with the images and your conversational tone. This post is very engaging.