
Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Halloween is my favorite holiday! and it's coming around the corner (:
Now i can bet that most of you don't know how it all started, or even interesting facts you may not know about halloween...

It was orginally a Celtic holiday and they called it The Festival of Samhain. Later down the road they changed the name to All Hallow Eve. Years later they shortened it to Halloween.

Europe brought halloween to North America, they celebrated the harvest with bonfires, telling ghost stories, singing and dancing, sure sounds like fun don't it!

Ever wonder why the colors orange and black were picked?? Well orange was one of the colors relating with the fall harvest and black sybolized dark and death.

Costumes were started because on halloween because when the celts celebrated it they thought that ghost and spirts were roaming around on the countryside at night time, so they wore mask and costumes to aviod being reconized as a human.

Jack-o-Lantern...everyones heard of that by now right? You curious as to why its called that? It's a pretty fasincating story actually. You see, what happened was there was a dude named Jack, and when he died he couldn't go to heaven because he had been a miser all his life. So he tried tricking the devil out of soul and couldn't go to hell. The devil told Jack he was doomed to wander through darkness the rest of eternity and threw a glowing coal to light his way. What Jack did was he placed the coal in a turnip and used it
as a lantern....and that was how the Jack-o-lantern was born. (:

Have you seen the movie halloween? I thought the orginal was pretty sweet, i don't care for the new one. It's good but in my opinon it was predictable. Now you know michael meyers wears that white mask right? Did you know that the mask he wore was the mask of Willian Shatner (the dude who played James T. Kirk in star trek, he plays in a buncha movies and tv shows, if u don't reconize the name, you'll reconize the face i promise!) I thought that was pretty interesting, who would've guessed that right?

Any of you know Harry Houndi? He's one of the most famous magicians there is. He was an actor, film producer, and a stunt performer as well. He passed away on Halloween.

Wanna know how trick or treat came to be? On halloween, irish peasants would beg the rich for food. Some refused and played a joke. So, those who thought they were being tricked, gave out cookies, candy, and fruits, and it eventually adapted into trick or treating.

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