
Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Thanksgiving (:

Hello! welcome back! last time i gave facts about halloween. Now this week i will be giving historical/interesting facts about thanksgiving.

Some of these facts seem pretty unbelievable but its true! Or i guess i can say you can believe what you wanna believe...

So Thomas Jefferson, you'd say he was a pretty important president wouldn't you? I mean someone that wrote our consitution? Well believe it or not when the concept of thanksgiving came around during his time of his president term..he thought that thanksgiving was "the most ridiculous idea I’ve ever heard."

Now we all know that thanksgiving always falls on the forth thursday of november correct? well it didnt always do that! In the years 1939-1941 Roosevelt had made it to where thanksgiving fell on the third thursday in November so that the holiday shopping season could be lengthed. It shockly upset a numberous amount of people!

The wishbone in the turkey was known as a good luck ritual on thanksgiving.

The first thanksgiving lasted three days! wooooooow thats a lotta eating!

So turkeys can have heart attacks!? did you know that????? yeah its true even people in the the Air Force conducted test runs and breaking the sound barrier, fields of turkeys dropped dead!

What noise does a turkey make? Gooble? well did you know that only males do that? Yep thats right! Female turkeys dont, they make a clicking noise. When the male "goobles" it's really the seasonal mating call.

Turkeys are known to spend the night in trees! I dont blame them! i wouldnt wanna be eaten either?

Did you know a turkey can drown if it looks up in the rain?! Thats soo sad!

By the way. There is NNNNOOOOO hard legit proof that turkey was eaten on thanksgiving day! Although a lot of deer and shellfish was eaten.

“Mary Had a Little Lamb” you've heard of that story right?? the author, Sarah Josepha Hale, she was also the first american female magazine ediitor, wrote to five U.S. presidents over 40 years urging that Thanksgiving be made a national holiday!

Benjamin Franklin wanted the turkey instead of the bald eagle to be the national bird.

I would give you a website to look all these up and more, but i knew all these by heart. Most of these facts i had learned from my grandmother as she taught me how to make homemade dressing (:
yummm! that sounds so good right about now
now i'm hungry! Well I'm off to eat dinner now! Until next time......

1 comment:

  1. I love the idea of your grandmother passing down these little known T-giving facts while cooking with you. How cool is that? I'm going to have some trivia to bust out to my family while cooking this year!
