
Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Thanksgiving (:

Hello! welcome back! last time i gave facts about halloween. Now this week i will be giving historical/interesting facts about thanksgiving.

Some of these facts seem pretty unbelievable but its true! Or i guess i can say you can believe what you wanna believe...

So Thomas Jefferson, you'd say he was a pretty important president wouldn't you? I mean someone that wrote our consitution? Well believe it or not when the concept of thanksgiving came around during his time of his president term..he thought that thanksgiving was "the most ridiculous idea I’ve ever heard."

Now we all know that thanksgiving always falls on the forth thursday of november correct? well it didnt always do that! In the years 1939-1941 Roosevelt had made it to where thanksgiving fell on the third thursday in November so that the holiday shopping season could be lengthed. It shockly upset a numberous amount of people!

The wishbone in the turkey was known as a good luck ritual on thanksgiving.

The first thanksgiving lasted three days! wooooooow thats a lotta eating!

So turkeys can have heart attacks!? did you know that????? yeah its true even people in the the Air Force conducted test runs and breaking the sound barrier, fields of turkeys dropped dead!

What noise does a turkey make? Gooble? well did you know that only males do that? Yep thats right! Female turkeys dont, they make a clicking noise. When the male "goobles" it's really the seasonal mating call.

Turkeys are known to spend the night in trees! I dont blame them! i wouldnt wanna be eaten either?

Did you know a turkey can drown if it looks up in the rain?! Thats soo sad!

By the way. There is NNNNOOOOO hard legit proof that turkey was eaten on thanksgiving day! Although a lot of deer and shellfish was eaten.

“Mary Had a Little Lamb” you've heard of that story right?? the author, Sarah Josepha Hale, she was also the first american female magazine ediitor, wrote to five U.S. presidents over 40 years urging that Thanksgiving be made a national holiday!

Benjamin Franklin wanted the turkey instead of the bald eagle to be the national bird.

I would give you a website to look all these up and more, but i knew all these by heart. Most of these facts i had learned from my grandmother as she taught me how to make homemade dressing (:
yummm! that sounds so good right about now
now i'm hungry! Well I'm off to eat dinner now! Until next time......

Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Halloween is my favorite holiday! and it's coming around the corner (:
Now i can bet that most of you don't know how it all started, or even interesting facts you may not know about halloween...

It was orginally a Celtic holiday and they called it The Festival of Samhain. Later down the road they changed the name to All Hallow Eve. Years later they shortened it to Halloween.

Europe brought halloween to North America, they celebrated the harvest with bonfires, telling ghost stories, singing and dancing, sure sounds like fun don't it!

Ever wonder why the colors orange and black were picked?? Well orange was one of the colors relating with the fall harvest and black sybolized dark and death.

Costumes were started because on halloween because when the celts celebrated it they thought that ghost and spirts were roaming around on the countryside at night time, so they wore mask and costumes to aviod being reconized as a human.

Jack-o-Lantern...everyones heard of that by now right? You curious as to why its called that? It's a pretty fasincating story actually. You see, what happened was there was a dude named Jack, and when he died he couldn't go to heaven because he had been a miser all his life. So he tried tricking the devil out of soul and couldn't go to hell. The devil told Jack he was doomed to wander through darkness the rest of eternity and threw a glowing coal to light his way. What Jack did was he placed the coal in a turnip and used it
as a lantern....and that was how the Jack-o-lantern was born. (:

Have you seen the movie halloween? I thought the orginal was pretty sweet, i don't care for the new one. It's good but in my opinon it was predictable. Now you know michael meyers wears that white mask right? Did you know that the mask he wore was the mask of Willian Shatner (the dude who played James T. Kirk in star trek, he plays in a buncha movies and tv shows, if u don't reconize the name, you'll reconize the face i promise!) I thought that was pretty interesting, who would've guessed that right?

Any of you know Harry Houndi? He's one of the most famous magicians there is. He was an actor, film producer, and a stunt performer as well. He passed away on Halloween.

Wanna know how trick or treat came to be? On halloween, irish peasants would beg the rich for food. Some refused and played a joke. So, those who thought they were being tricked, gave out cookies, candy, and fruits, and it eventually adapted into trick or treating.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Talk about Randomness?

Who doesn't like a little of randomness? Last week's blog was about the secrets of money (you guys figure out how to fold the $20 yet?), now, these are secrets....about history, some of them you may have known, some you may not, some you might think is impossible, but they are, indeed they are and yet they're random (: <3
So you would say that Hitler was one of the most hatred man to this day, when he became the leader of Germany and when he did many Jews were murdered, did you know that if Hitler's mother had it her own way in the first place that none of this would've happened?! Like seriously his mother considered aborting him during her pregnancy, but her doctor talked her out of it. Wooooooooooooooow?
The Declaration of Independence is one of the most important documents, the paper that represented our freedom, was written at "Declaration House" which now is replaced with a hamburger joint
I'm thinking why? Like seriously? One of the most important'd think it'd be a museum now or something?
What age would you consider old? like 40, 55, or around60-ish right? At least somewhere around there I would assume. Well about 3,000 years ago (30 centuries) in Egypt you were considered old and passed away already by the time you were 30.
Ok so now in the 1800's if you wanted to commit suicide and it didn't succeed, then you would have to face the death least it'd solve your problem, but jeez? No one should want to do it anyways :p
Las Vegas, Nevada sounds like the place to go! Doesn't it?! Well everything sure sounds convincing and appear better than most places, for that matter. But their hospitals, Las Vegas Hosptial was suspended at one point of time, because they were making bets on which patient would die...thats sooooo low!
I'm terrified of spiders! But i found this rather the Middle Ages, spider webs were known to cure warts.
Students, we should try this (:
Schools in Tanganyika (say that 5 times fast? haha) had to be closed because of an outbreak of contagious laughter that lasted for 6months!..6months of no school because of that?? wow.
Oh and by the way i was just kidding about trying that out, i think we should stay in school (: I mean it only makes our future?

Monday, October 4, 2010

What's the one thing everyone loves? C'mon it's easy to guess, u think of it yet? It's MONEY. Now, when people made money, they hid secret messages, and it is right in front of your face when you look at the dollar bill. You'll be suprised with some of them. Some on the other hand are freaky! I was even in shock when i heard or saw it for myself...

The $1:

Some people think the $1 is bad luck, some just think its simply money, on the dollar bill there's a bunch of things that represents the dollar but counts to the number 13.

As you can see they're pointed out to show you, and there is some other messages pointed out as well.

Now another message on the dollar bill, lets see if you can point it out first...its on the right hand corner, there are two different messages..

you see it yet? if not keep looking....give up? okay ill show you the close up picture.

you see it now? there is an owl on the top right corner of the one dollar bill, also notice when you looked at the one dollar bill, you see the ones in the corners right? see how theyre in a circle, on the top right hand corner there is a sheild (: wooow right? haha

The $5:

Now you wanna see something cool? If you have a five dollar bill, I'd suggest you take out one and follow along, it might be easier that way and so that you can see for yourself (:

I will show you a picture of the back of a five dollar bill, you might not notice it at first, but ill give you a hint. Look right in between the circle stones on the lincoln memorial, and look closely, like very closely...

Can you see it? No? Here's a close up peice of the five dollar bill...

Yes, it does indeed say Florida and Texas, now look at your five dollar bill, it lists all 50 states, cool huh?

Now this is when the freaky part comes in...its like really freaky, i showed it to my mom when i saw it and she in fact was freaked out by it too as well, yes its real, in fact if i have to bring in the bill and show you myself i it comes..

The $20:

Now the $20 was invented like a long time ago right? Look it up to make sure im being legit.
Okay, so in this picture that i am about to show you is a dollar bill made in 1928, one of the "Jackson Bill", when you fold up a twenty in airplane form, as it shows in the picture..look carefully to what it shows...its freaky

Like seriously creepy...

U sure you wanna see this??

You're probably thinking right now just show me already!

Okay, here it is....

Either you're freaking out right now, or you're thinking huh? Can you see the picture it shows? Let me show you the bill and the picture together side by side, and maybe it will clear things up..

Isn't that weird?!? Now thats not the only freaky thing about this bill. theres one more

This is what it looks like when you flip it on the other side...can you see the picture?
Now thats just crazy! What are the chances of that?! Of the pentagon and the twin towers on the same bill? Especially a bill made in the 1920's?

Make's you wonder doesn't it?

If you wanna see for yourself here's the website that shows you how to fold the $20. and a breif description of the bill itself
try it, you won't believe it...
like i said if i must show you in person I will do so..

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

I Betcha Didnt Know...

Last weeks blog i talked about weird silly laws that still apply to this day, this week i will talk about random weird facts you may have not known, and yes they're legit (:

So did u know that its not pyschially possible to lick your elbow? Yeah its seriously not possible, i can see someone trying this after they had read this sentence. Go ahead and try it, if its possible then call up Ripley's Believe it or Not!

Satistics show that blueberry juice boosts your memory! wow right? I'm gonna try it sometime so if i seem like really smart by the end of the semester you know why (:

A shrimp's heart is in its head...i wonder where the brain is?

In every episode of Seinfeild theres superman somewhere..i watch that show and i didnt even notice, now i can see myself being more focused and try to point it out.

You know them tounge twisters? You good at it? Try saying this one "sixth sick sheik's sixth sheep's sick", its known as the toughest tounge twister in the English Language.

You wanna know how powerful a hurricane is? A catergory 3, in 10mins produces more energy than all the nuclear bombs in this world put together...wooooooow i wonder what catergory 5 would be like? (knock on wood)

Try getting a peice of paper, like a computer paper or something, now fold it as many times as you can..betcha can't fold it more than 7 times. not possible :p

Kissing someone is healthier than shaking hands..yeah i dont know why but it is, and it helps prevent tooth decay

Your brain is 80% water

Good news for people who are parnoid about flies, did you know that a housefly only lives for about a if you cant kill it then I'd just wait a month, it'll die, problem solved (:

Donald Duck comics are banned in Finlanf because he doesn't wear pants...its donald duck c'mon now?

For you champaigne drinkers, try this out, i bet it'll be sweet! try putting a raisin into a fresh glass, and watch it, it will rise and fall down continuously.

If you smell green apples or bananas you actually lose weight!

An average chocolate bar has about 8 insect legs in it..good thing im not a fan of chocolate, but hey its protien!

You know Thomas Edsion right? I'm sure you've heard that he invented the light bulb, about 9 out of 10 people believe that, well you're mistaken Joesph Swan did.

Bats always turn left when exiting a cave

A camel has 3 eye-lids, to prevent their eyes from the sand.

As weird as some of these might sound, until someone can prove otherwise years down the road, it's what it is

Here's where i found most of them, a few i knew from years ago, there's a lot more of interesting facts feel free to look at the site, you might be shocked or suprised:

Enjoy! (: Until next time...

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

!?The Big Question?!

Some laws are made to protect people, while other laws are just simply ridiculous. Makes you wonder if someone was foolish enough to do something to make these kinda things illegal to do or pushed it to far that they had to make it more difficult for others. These laws actually still apply to this day...
          Glendale- its illegal for a car to back up
          its illegal to mispronounce Arkansas in you're in that state
            Camirillo - it is illegal for any man to purchase liquor without the written
            consent of his wife.
            Carmel - it is against the law to eat ice cream while standing on the

         Atlanta - It is illegal to tie giraffes to street lamps. 
         (why would you do that anyway?!)
        Jonesboro - It is illegal to say "Oh, boy." (oh, boy!)

       Chicago - it is illegal to eat in a place that is on fire. (well, i'd hope you'd leave?)
     Natoma - it is agianst the law to practice knife throwing at men in
     striped suits (i guess we can when they wear polka dots?)

     It is against the law to ask a girl in a bikini for a date.
     Lexington - It is illegal to carry an ice cream cone in your pocket.
     Owensboro - it is against the law for a woman to buy a new hat without
     her husband first trying it on (but one if it fits her and not him?)

    It is illegal to rob a bank and then shoot the teller with a water pistol.
    (looks like u can do it with a revolver, i mean seriously?!)

    It is illegal to put tomatoes in clam chowder. (uhh ok?)
    It is illegal for anyone at a wake to eat more than three sandwiches. (weird...)
    It is illegal to kiss in front of a church. (guess u cant get married there then!)
    Boston - it is against the law to take more than 2 baths a month.

    (thats not even once a week!!)
   It is illgeal to sell dougut holes (WHAT?!)
New York-
   It is illegal to arrest a dead man (uhh who complained? the dead dude?)
   It is illegal to eat peanuts and walk backwards during a concert
   (walk backwards with popcorn instead)
   It is illegal to water your lawn with a sprinkler
In Ohio they allow policemen to bite a dog to silence it
   It is illegal to get a fish drunk
   Memphis - it is illegal for a woman to drive a car unless there is a man
   running or walking in front of it, waving a red flag to warn approaching
and pedestrians.
   (thats just the craziest thing ive heard)

Some of these laws are just simply crazy!  makes me curious towhy they would make them like this..i guess we will always wonder why. the big question mark, but if you're traveling out there be careful to not break these laws!

for more silly weird laws please visit this website:

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


  •        The huddle formation used by football teams originated at Gallaudet University, a liberal arts college for deaf people in Washington, D.C.(to prevent other schools from reading their sign language)
  •       Eric Clapton, The Who musician Peter Townshend, The Beatles Sir George Henry Martin and The Beach Boys Brian Wilson are deaf.
  •         Deaf people have SAFER driving records than hearing people nationally
  •       The Major League baseball player William Hoy, played for the Cincinnati Reds was deaf and he invented the hand signals for strikes and balls in baseball.
  •         John Gregg, the man who invented shorthand, was deaf
  •         When Beethoven created his ninth symphony, he was profoundly deaf.
  •         Statistics prove that deaf people live longer than hearing people.
  •         Deaf people develop keener senses of observation, feeling, taste and smell to compensate for their loss of hearing.
  •      Deaf people appreciate advice or warnings regarding any noises that bother hearing people.
  •       Alexander Graham Bell who originally invented the telephone, was an instructor for deaf children and invented the telephone so that his wife and mother who were deaf to help communicate, was a mistake, he tried inventing a hearing aid
  •         Approximately 1.6 million people in South Africa use Sign Language as a first language, that’s higher than those who speak 4 of the 11 official languages
  •       People use some sort of sign language when scuba diving because they couldn’t talk underwater, and even the military when planning on surprising the enemy

*i love you in sign language*